Bruno Garrofe
Software Engineer | LATAM
5 Cool Programming YouTube Channels
Original content published on Landing Jobs Newsletter from 17 Jan 2023
From Zero to Hero: 5 YouTube channels to become a code master.
- — from 31-hour-long C++ courses (yes, that’s right), to shorter crash courses like Git and GitHub for beginners, there’s something for everyone.
- Traversy Media — tutorials for all of the latest web technologies from the building blocks of HTML, CSS & JavaScript to frontend frameworks like React and Vue to backend technologies like Node.js, Python and PHP.
- The Net Ninja — easy-to-understand tutorials, with clear and concise explanations of concepts and techniques.
- Programming with Mosh — with over 3M followers, Mosh uploads all sorts of coding tutorials on his channel. He recently posted a video about 38 ways developers can use ChatGPT to increase productivity.
- The Coding Train — you may be startled by the kid-friendly banner and the character-style animations, but don’t let it fool you, this channel touches on some pretty cool and complex stuff like algorithmic art, machine learning, simulation, generative poetry, and more.